If your continue teaching your teens the way you are presently, will they be prepared to launch out on their own after graduation?
What are your goals with your teens, in regards to equipping them with the skills that they need to survive on their own?
I know as a parent that sometimes this job you have undertaken seems so overwhelming. There is so much to do and these kids didn’t come with an instruction manual. Often we get so caught up in the urgent things of day-to-day life – get the kids to practice and games, get dinner on the table, make sure schoolwork is done – that we put off the important teaching of life skills.
As parents of five kids we have been there. Some days it seems like all we do is run from one event to another. But we also know that if we aren’t intentional with our teaching and goals for our children, they won’t receive this training elsewhere. The schools aren’t teaching it. So it is up to us, as parents, to ensure that they are prepared for life in the real world.
We want to come alongside and help you!
An easy first step is subscribe to our podcast. The Raising Confident Teens Podcast is co-hosted by our teens where we talk about topics relevant to teens and their parents. To subscribe, click here.
“It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings.”
– Ann Landers

Our mission is to motivate the next generation of leaders by teaching them practical and valuable skills, and to also come alongside parents and provide them tools to help them successfully launch their children into adulthood.

We believe that success comes as you help others. We will lead by example and help others achieve their goals and dreams, only then will we consider ourselves successful.

Our core values which form the foundation and guide the direction of our organization are the following: adventure (let's make this fun!), growth (not perfection, but personal improvement), generosity (it's not all about us), and leadership.