Episode-060-How to Calm an Angry Person in Ninety Seconds or Less (Part 1)

Episode 060

How to Calm an Angry Person in Ninety Seconds or Less (Part 1)

On today’s episode Hudson and I chat with Doug Noll.  Doug had a rough start in life. He was born partially deaf, nearly blind, crippled and super smart. The girls were not beating down his door when he was young. However, he managed to not only get through school, but also begin a successful career as an award-winning civil trial lawyer for more than twenty years. Then he experienced a shift and found his true calling – that of a peacemaker.

Since he left his successful law practice, Doug has devoted his life to help others learn how to understand conflict. His work has helped thousands of people, some of whom society would have considered past the point of help, dramatically improve their lives.

Find more information about the resources Doug mentioned here: https://dougnoll.com/podcast/confident-teens-podcast

Doug’s website: https://dougnoll.com

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