Zachary Reinhart (whom we have highlighted on the blog before here) joined us on the podcast to discuss teens in foster care. He gave us some insight into the confusing feelings and emotions that teens experience when they are put into care.

Teens who are just coming into care struggle with the transition; we need to respect their need to privacy while they process through the traumatic changes they are experiencing. We also talked about just being present and supportive of teens going through this experience and being willing to “sit with them in the darkness.”

We discussed how the people in his church have helped him heal and made him feel like he was not alone because of how much they care for him and all the foster kids in the community. He also gave us advice on things we can do to help teens in foster care who may be in similar situations.

He discussed how he came to the conclusion that, “You can’t let anybody else choose your happiness for you. You have to consciously make a decision to wake up every day and say, “Who am I going to be today? Who do I want to be today?”

The message he most wanted to share with everyone going through hard times-“God has not forgotten you.”

To hear the entire podcast listen at