Episode-027-Learning Strategies for Teens

Episode 027

Jill Wolf

For over 27 years Jill has examined learning through EVERY educational lens; and her conclusion… we need to help students get better at learning. She’s worked with many students who claim “studying doesn’t work,” and many others who find their straight A’s are in jeopardy because their current skills aren’t sufficient. As a result most of these students lose confidence in themselves as learners and spiral downhill if there is no intervention. As a result her mission has become… Help students gets better at learning.

Her current work and programs focus on helping 5th-10th grade students improve their learning skills in order to meet the demands of middle and high school. And the current COVID crisis has awakened an urgent need to help parents as they host and support virtual education at home. She rises to meet these needs with open arms and a heart ready to serve.

You can follow her at:
and you can join her FREE parent group at:

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“Do or do not. There is no try.” ―Yoda