Episode-032- My Biggest Ah Ha Moment of the Year

Episode 032

My Biggest Ah Ha Moment of the Year

Do you want to be more confident? Do you want to help your teen become more confident? Join Hudson and I as we discuss the most important concept related to preparing our teens for adulthood that I have learned this year.

The concept of the confidence/competence loop means that the more competence we develop, the more confident we will become. This increased confidence will also lead to more willingness to try new things. So the more and more skills that we learn, the more confident we will be.

Listen as we discuss how you can take this concept and change your life. Knowing this information can make it easier to put yourself out there and learn new things. You can break through the fear that is holding you back from getting started and move in the direction of your goals!

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“Do or do not. There is no try.” ―Yoda