Today on the podcast we are going to talk about starting your own business. We are also going to give away some money to help some teens start their own businesses. In today’s interview, Hudson and I talk with entrepreneur, author , and speaker Cameron Johnson.  Cameron started his first business at the age of nine and before graduating high school, he had started twelve profitable businesses and made his first million. At the age of 15, he became the youngest American appointed to the board of a Tokyo-based company. He founded and sold many profitable businesses and has been featured in more than 250 newspapers, magazines, and television programs worldwide. 

Here are some of the things we discuss:

Can anyone be an entrepreneur?

Why is it better to start your business as a young person?

Why is this a good time to start a business?

Can you start a business with little or no money?

Cameron has a book called You Call the Shots for anyone who is interested in going into business for themselves. It’s very easy to read and has lots of great advice about entrepreneurship.

We also announce our Kickstart Your Business stimulus contest. Ten people will be chosen to receive money to help start their own businesses. Listen to the podcast to hear the interview and get all the contest details.

Being prepared and taking action are the sparks that set off the dynamite of opportunity. – Cameron