Such a difficult subject to navigate. Such a hard time for our country. It seems like after all the history we have been through as a nation, racial tension is not something that we should still be grappling with. We should be better than this.

We try to do the hard things that will make us better, even if they may be uncomfortable. Today we brought Kevin Hofmann, author of the book Growing Up Black in White on the podcast to talk with us about all the racial tension that is going on in America right now, and what we can do to make it better. Kevin is a gifted storyteller and public speaker who has a unique perspective being brought up as a person of color in his white adoptive family.
We know this is not a fun topic to talk about. It was probably the hardest podcast we have ever done. I kept having trouble hearing over my headset, the internet was giving us problems, Hudson got kicked off, and the recording just stopped partway through and we didn’t realize it. Not only were we dealing with tech issues, but I was just really struggling because I don’t really know what to do. I don’t know the answers. I don’t even know the questions. But this I know to be true, I can control myself and my actions. I can seek to understand my fellow man. I can acknowledge that he has struggled and is struggling, and I can support him.
Join us on this week’s podcast as Kevin shares his perspective on race and culture in present day America.
Visit Kevin’s website.
Kevin’s book Growing Up Black in White on Amazon.
“This is a great time for someone to be a hero.” – Kevin Hofmann
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