Does it feel like your teen is struggling with academics where they never have before? Join Jenna and I on today’s podcast where Learning Strategist Jill Wolf shares some great learning strategies for teens. Many times kids can get by in the younger grades without really studying too much. As they get older and the content gets more advanced, they might need to learn some new strategies to help them understand and remember the concepts.

Academic Strategist Jill Wolf

Learning is not just based upon how great the teacher. The student also has to be able make sense of the ideas that the teacher teaches. But rarely do we focus on making sure the learner has a variety of good strategies in his toolbelt. In her years of working with teens and seeing them struggle, Jill realized that the biggest impact comes from helping students get better at learning. On the podcast, we learned some great ideas to help us go deeper than the normal reread your notes and quiz yourself method.

You can follow Jill on Facebook here.

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