Do you sometimes feel like your challenges are holding you back? On today’s podcast, Jenna and I chat with Amber Kierra. Diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa, she lost ninety percent of her eyesight as a child. She compares her vision to trying to see through a straw. She talked to us about the struggles of having a disability as a teen and what caring adults and teenagers can do to help people with disabilities. We talked about how people are basically the same – with the same desires, hopes, and dreams, and how remembering that and including everyone can make them feel loved.

As a teenager she was timid and scared, and she told us some steps that she took as a young person that helped her become the bold and confident leader that she is now. We talked about how sometimes when we get out of our comfort zone, we end up finding things that we never would have guessed that we love doing.

Kingdom Eyes

Amber has taken the difficulties and challenges of her life, and made a beautiful life for herself. She has found her purpose in helping others see themselves in a different light. The founder of a nonprofit called Kingdom Eyes, she uses her gifts to share with others that they do not have to be limited by what their eyes see or by how the world sees them. Rather she shares with them how they can see themselves as God sees them. The organization does this through disability awareness training, community groups for people with disabilities and their families, and missions trips to minister to the disabled.

Listen as she encourages all of us to powerfully walk in our purpose, and to live life boldly!

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