by Hudson | Jul 26, 2019 | DIY, Kids, personal growth
To maintain your small engine properly, you need to change the oil every year. I am going to talk about two different ways that you can do this. 1. Using an oil suction gun To change the oil in a small engine using this method you will need an oil suction gun...
by Hudson | Jun 19, 2019 | DIY
Keeping your small engine running in top shape requires some routine maintenance. Since this needs to be done on a regular basis, it’s easy to do some at the start of an engine’s season of use and the rest when it will be put up for a while. Start of...
by Hudson | May 15, 2019 | personal growth
Hey friends, this is Hudson with a kid’s perspective. When something doesn’t work, it’s easy to stop, right? Well, I have learned to keep moving forward. On the first engine I tried to repair, do you think I just stopped when...
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