DIY Screwhole Hack

Have you ever had a screw pop out of a piece of furniture? Or have you ever had to disassemble a piece of furniture to move it and worried because now the screw won’t hold as well? Hudson shares an easy tip for how to fix that problem with a common household item that...

How to Change the Oil in Your Small Engine

To maintain your small engine properly, you need to change the oil every year.  I am going to talk about two different ways that you can do this. 1. Using an oil suction gun To change the oil in a small engine using this method you will need an oil suction gun...

Small engine seasonal check lists

Keeping your small engine running in top shape requires some routine maintenance. Since this needs to be done on a regular basis, it’s easy to do some at the start of an engine’s season of use and the rest when it will be put up for a while. Start of...

Hudson’s Video Tips-AC Maintenance

There are some simple things that you can do to keep your air conditioner operating in good condition.  These are things that even a young person can be taught to do.  I have seen some AC filters that looked like they hadn’t been changed in years.  I...